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Our use of cookies
To enable Nexus Legal to provide the services available on our website and to monitor and improve the website, we may gather certain information about you, including details of your operating system, browser version, domain name and IP address, the details of the website you linked from to the site.

What is a cookie?
A cookie is a small data file which is sent from a web server to a web browser when that browser visits the server's site.Cookies are used on our website to remember your login, to track web traffic on an aggregate basis so that no individuals are identified, to track campaigns, and to keep session information such as your last search (this information is disposed of every time you close your web browser).
You can find out more about the use of cookies on

How to turn cookies off

Most browsers allow you to turn off cookies. To view your security settings access the Internet Options within the tools menu in your browser, select the Privacy tab to choose a privacy setting for the Internet zone you are in.

Here are the relevant guides on how to switch off cookies for the major web browsers

Google Chrome
Internet Explorer

For further information on cookies and cookie settings, including how to delete cookies, visit Selecting not to receive cookies can mean that certain services, such as online forums or previous registration identification cannot then be provided.